1. about 1 meg speeds off of sky max ping never lower than 80, and 16 meg package should not be slower than 4 meg broardband package =S, my speeds are slower than what you can get in bagdad, my estate is only 5 years old, only 2 miles from the exchange, .... joss joss is offline. Sky User Member. Exchange: Adwick-le-Street. Broadband ISP: sky max. Router: Sagem F@ST 2504. Sky TV: Sky+HDmultiroom. Join Date: May 2009. Location: South Yorkshire. Posts: 614. Thanks: 0 ...
15, 2008 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: "Sir Tim Berners-bLee/b is Sounding All Wet, As He Advocates Censoring the Internet" *Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Sept. 15, 2008 (Exempting Music, b....../b"HARSH TREATMENT In China, Brain Surgery Is Pushed on the Mentally Ill" by Nicholas Zamiska, Wall bStreet/b Journal (wsj.com) - Nov. 2, 2007.) *Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Jan. 17, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) 229. Jan. ...